1/4 (QUARTER) "2+ Year Old" BEEF SHARE=~86 lbs Ground, Roast, Steak, Bone, Organ
100% grassfed & grassfinished, regenerative, organically raised
1/4 (QUARTER) Custom Beef Share PRE ORDER
Foothill Frolic Farm Live Animal Cost is a Flat $525
Russell Meat Packing Processing Cost varies based on hanging weight of animal and on average totals $410-475, which is a complete pass through cost to shareholders.
Therefore, a 1/4 (QUARTER) Beef Share would cost approximately ~$112.50
Approximate Average Final Price = ~$637.50
A 1/4(QUARTER) Beef will provide approximately ~86 lbs of assorted edible Beef Cuts.
If one was purchasing this qty of REGENERATIVE-100% GRASSFED and GRASSFINISHED-ORGANICALLY RAISED equivalent Beef by the cut at a retail market/grocery one could expect to pay at minimum $937.50
By choosing to purchase a LOCAL 1/4 (QUARTER) BEEF from Foothill Frolic Farm you are saving at minimum about $300!!
Plus when you purchase a QUARTER BEEF locally from our farm, you are helping to keep cattle out of the conventional industrialized food system, which in turn creates a more vibrant and clean ecosystem for humanity and allows for the most ethical and humane life for our beautiful bovine animals. When all these are compiled, we as humans can feel OK & GOOD about the choice to eat beef protein, which is a powerful and necessary component to most human's diets.
The VOLUME of SPACE that a WHOLE Custom Beef Share stocks is a 4 cubic ft freezer
A 1/4 (QUARTER) Live Animal Custom Beef Share includes the following:
=Approximately 34 X ~1.15 lb packages
=Approximately 39 lbs
An assortment of 10-11 X ~2.25-2.5 lb Individually Packaged Roast Cuts
= Approximately 23-28 lbs
The Butchered Roast Cuts include Prime Rib, Sirloin Tip, Brisket, Chuck, Arm, Stew Tips, Rump, Eye of Round, Tri Tip, Top Round, Shank
Roast cuts have to be one of the most delicious, easiest beef cuts to eat.
Click Here to read a Post from Allie on Best Way to Slow Cook a Roast
Simply get out a Crock Pot, unpackage your roast, add about 3-4 cups of water, so you can have some good broth, and some salt. Set your crock pot to low and let cook for about 9 hours or more. Every roast that you get from Foothill Frolic Farm can be cooked in this fashion. Our roast do not need any other seasoning to taste good, but of course a roast can be seasoned to any themed liking. A roast is one meal, plus so many more througout the week. One roast can turn into roast beef sandwhiches, or used as sides with prepared vegetables, or mixed into summer salads. A great and simple way for a family or couple to eat well for a few days!
2 Fillets, 4 NY Strip (Top Loin) , 4 T-Bone, 4 Ribeye (Delmonico), 2 Sirloin
= 16 Steaks Total, with 2 steaks per package
= 8 packages
= Approximately 7.5 lbs
1 Flank or 1 Skirt
=1 Steak, with one steak per package
=Approximately 1.25 lbs
= 1-2 Package of 5-6 cut bone pieces per Package
= 1 pkgs of Meaty Neck Bones
Totals Approximately ~7-8.5 lbs
Our favorite thing to do with Beef Bones, other than making delicious Beef Bone Stock, is adding 2 bones into the Pot of Cooking Beans. This practice makes the best tasting cooked beans every time, no matter what variety of bean, while all at the same time adding powerful healing nutrients to your pot of beans. It is kind of like cooking your beans in Beef Stock. Bones can be taken out of the frozen packaged bag as needed, as it is not a big deal to slightly defrost the bones enough to break a couple loose and then put the opened bag, folded over with a big rubberband, back into the freezer. Bones are not affected by short term freezer burn.
Includes some of the following...Liver, Heart, Tongue, & Kidney, with each organ divided, sliced, and individually packaged to allow for easy preperation.
=3-4 lbs
** Please read ADDITIONAL INFO SECTIONS, to understand More**
ALL Custom Beef Shares are PRE ORDERS
For now, we are only taking manual/in person payments.
Customers/Shareholders $Payment$ will be Due at On Farm Pick Up or Local Home Delivery
Checks and Cash accepted. Checks Payable to Foothill Frolic Farm.
Perhaps soon, Credit Card Check Out Payment will be an option.
The listed price is approximately ~$637.50 because this is the average estimate of what the Final/All inclusive 1/4 (QUARTER) live animal custom beef share will cost, which includes our farm's Flat $525 cost, plus the approximate $112.50 pass through cost of Russell Meat Packing Processing Fee. As every whole beef's weight is different, final amount due could be a little more or a little less.
Custom Beef Shares require that the share holders/owners of the animal are the ones that pay the animal processing fee. When you purchase a 1/4 (QUARTER) live animal custom beef share from Foothill Frolic Farm on Gammon Creek (i.e. Barkley Mills), you then are considered the owner of the live beef animal. The all inclusive Harvest/Dry Aged Hanging/Processing/Butcher Fee that Russell Meat Packing charges per pound will be passed through directly to you the shareholder.
Foothill Frolic Farm charges an additional Custom Round Up/Hauling Add on Fee of $152 per WHOLE BEEF. Therefore, for 1/4 Share this = $38.
There is not a 4% TN food tax added to farm products. When meat is purchased at a grocery store, your meat cost 4% more!!
Your On-Line Order Receipt represents your purchase of a Foothill Frolic Farm's Live Animal Custom Beef Share/Shares.