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Self Serve Stand

Welcome to Foothill Frolic Farm on Gammon Creek's Seasonal Self Serve Farm Stand 


2020 was the first year for the farmstand to be open to the community, since moving from our farm, south of Nashville.  We started off with just a handful of summer and fall crops.  These included Shintokiwa Long Cucumbers, Italian Large Leaf Basil, Golden Rocky Snap Beans, Heirloom Tomatoes, Red Kuri, Delicata, and Long Dutch Crookneck Winter Squash, Golden Horn Sweet Peppers, and Heirloom Carolina Red Dry Beans.  


Our gardens in 2021 flourished and we had such a variety of delicious vegetables available at the Self Serve Farmstand from April through October!


For 2022, we offered a handful of 

seasonal produce items.  Our volume of produce items were very limited based on the time and focus we are putting into our cattle herds and the Beef Share Offerings!


For 2023 again, so much of our time and focus is being put into our regenerative & 100% cattle herds and our custom beef shares that our volume of available produce will be scarce.  Timing of being a full on cattle farm and a vegetable farm often creates scheduling conflicts of when crucial planning task need to be done.  As Foothill Frolic's Farm number one priority is our Beef cattle, veggie offerings will come at random when a certain crop planting actually happens.  For example, we did get potatoes planted so we know come potato digging time we will have potatoes to offer!

As long as you have signed up for our farm journal post, you will be the first to know when we do have veggie items available.   


To find out more about Foothill Frolic Farm and to stay up to date with what is being offered at the Self Serve Stand.  Please sign up to receive the farm journal post.  There is always a story to be told and pictures to be shared when one lives on a farm!  

The Self Serve Farmstand is located off of Hamilton Rd and Minga Rd and is only about 1/4 of a mile off of Hwy 75 close to the South end of the Tri Cities Airport. Just follow the signs and arrows down to where the Stand is by Gammon Creek.  
232 Minga Rd. Kingsport, TN 37663

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Regenerative-organically grown 

Farming Practices:


Our farming practices are developed to uphold and rejuvenate the farm's soil and to create full cycle's of energy that occur on and within the farm.  When farmer's can strive to farm in this way, we feel there is the least amount of negative impact that occurs to all of the earth's organic (carbon containing) constituents --  lands, waters, plants, animals, and humans. We really want to provide the local community with as much diversity as can be offered, which  promotes the preservation of many varieties while at the same time allowing local folk to also be apart of experiencing, and eating many varieties of produce. 


Using no synthetic chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides


In produce crop areas, cover cropping with certified organic legume, grass, and grain seeds 


Using chemical free hays, straws, wood dust/chips, and cow manure for mulch and composting


Striving for minimal disturbance of the soil, often using organic no till practices


Only using compost that is created on our farm (no importing of compost!) from organic materials, like fall leaves, vegetable crop matter, wood chips, wood dust, rock minerals, cow manure, hays, & herbs.  Our cows only eat fresh grasses & legumes, our own cut hay, Thorvin Kelp, Redmond Salt, Diatomaceous Earth and have not been administered de-wormers, chemical parasite controls, growth hormones, or routine antibiotics     


Making our own potting mix, by just using our broken down compost, rock minerals, and our own wood ash. We use this planting mix for the start of all our germinating seeds, when we do plan on transplanting a crop


Direct seeding many of our crops right into our healthy fields' soil


Using shallow surface cultivation for planting ground preparation 


Never using the organic purchased products that are allowed through certified organic regulations to keep pests away, weeds down, or any organic liquid fertilizers.  This decision is to allow the health of the soil and the stress of the season be an indicator of a crops health as oppose to trying to blindly prevent the problem  

​Using no plastics as weed control


Using only naturally formed sources of minerals like limestone, granite dust, and ash from our firewood  


Starting all produce and herbs from certified organic seed, Biodynamic Seed, or chemical free/Non-GMO seed. The later only being when it is a Genus Specie variety that cannot be found certified organic, or certified biodynamic.  


​Irrigating only when in extreme dry spell with a clean source of spring water. 


Moon phase/sign planting


All of these growing practices ensure our soils will have.......

beneficial microbial life 

plenty of nutrients and minerals 

high amounts of soil colloids 

good tilth 

proper water holding capacity 


great carbon sequestering capabilities  


When our soils are healthy, then this will transpire into the health, taste, brix, and nutritional content of our products!

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