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Fortnight Fundraiser...Jan 7th-22nd


To start off the 2023 New Year,

Foothill Frolic Farm on Gammon Creek & Seedkeepers Forest School have partnered for a Fortnight Fundraiser.

For every custom beef share order placed from January 7th through January 22nd, Foothill Frolic Farm will donate 5% of all order proceeds to Seedkeepers Forest School Donation Fund. The Seedkeepers’ Donation Fund is a fund created to support access to Seedkeepers programming through tuition scholarships and through providing proper gear essential to student participation in outdoor learning environments (for example, winter boots, winter coat, wool socks, proper rain gear, etc). In addition, this fund supports all of the elements that keep this programming thriving and contributes to projects that will support further growth of the program such that more children may experience nature-immersed education at Seedkeepers.

Both Foothill Frolic Farm and Seedkeepers Forest School strive to contribute to a local movement of restoration and unique availability, each in their own right, through their own chosen field. For Foothill Frolic it is through Regenerative Agriculture & LOCAL Beef and for Seedkeepers it is through outdoor-nature based education. Both want to share their vision, purpose, and offerings to as many LOCAL folks as possible and hopefully this New Year Fortnight Fundraiser achieves just that!

Foothill Frolic Farm on Gammon Creek

is a 200 Year Family Farm,

centrally located within the Tri Cities, in the Holston Community, near Boone Lake.

Rotationally Grazed Beef Cattle

Regenerative and 100% Grass-fed

…improving soil, land, and health one ‘graze’ at a time

To Buy Online please visit Custom Beef Share SHOP

All custom beef share orders are pre orders and payments are not due until custom beef shares are received by either On Farm Pick Up or Seedkeepers Forest School Pick Up.

Contact or message 423 483 7091 with any questions

To learn more about Seedkeepers Forest School please visit

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