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Last Hours of "HighFIVEbeef" PROMO

HIGH FIVES and SMILES all around, with Foothill Frolic Farm's Custom Beef Shares!

LAST HOURS of our Five Day countdown PROMOTIONAL.

Early Tomorrow morning, TUESDAY, JUNE 13th, Foothill Frolic Farm will be rounding up our Beefs for June Harvest and hauling to Russell Meat Packing.

This is the last chance reminder to place your custom beef order for July Pick UP.

We are trying to complete one last whole beef, so now is the time to jump in a try one of the Custom Beef Shares here below.

Pre-Orders due by 7 am, Tuesday JUNE 13th.

After tomorrow morning, next chance to get your forks on one of our delicious custom beef shares will not be till August!!

Don't miss out on the wonderful opportunity to eat "birth to beef", LOCAL, 100% Grassfed & Grassfinished, organically raised Beef.

We are the real deal, there are no substitutes.

One word description ... PRICELESS

Custom Beef Shares are available in WHOLES all the way down to 1/16th of a Beef.

This will be the last time to use our Five Day Campaign Promotional PROMO CODE....."HighFIVEBeef"....just type in at the NOTE section when placing order and discount will be taken from Custom Beef Share at Pick Up.

WHOLE Custom Beef: $95 Dollars Off

Half (1/2) Beef: $45 Dollars Off

Quarter (1/4th) Beef: $25 Dollars Off

Eight (1/8th) Beef: $15 Dollars Off

Sixteenth (1/16th) Beef: $5 Dollars Off

Every month we continue to make our Custom Beef Shareholders so happy!

Here is a quote from one of our 1/16th "Stubborn Starter", G124S Custom Beef shareholders

"I have made and canned 7 pints of bone broth. I cooked the bones twice. Tonight I had air fryer sirloin steak with air fryer broccoli, mushrooms, and carrots. The Sirloin Steak was tender and tasty. I will can the roasts tomorrow. Thank you for your hard work!

Vicki K.

Eat Well and Be Well and Please SHARE,

Allie from Foothill Frolic Farm on Gammon Creek

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